#### R code #### lake.lm4 <- lm(log(pcb) ~ I(year-1974)*len.c, data=laketrout) display(lake.lm4, 4) #### R output #### lm(formula = log(pcb) ~ I(year - 1974)*len.c, data = laketrout) coef.est coef.se (Intercept) 1.8967 0.0465 I(year - 1974) -0.0873 0.0036 len.c 0.0510 0.0038 len.c:I(year - 1974) 0.0008 0.0003 --- n = 631, k = 4 residual sd = 0.5520, R-Squared = 0.67
When the interaction term
is included, the model is expressed as:
(1) |
Because of the product term, the model is no longer a linear model. The slopes of centered length (len.c) and year (yr) are no longer constant. We can rearrange the model to understand the interaction effect. First, the interaction term is grouped with yr:
That is, the effect (or slope) of
The relationship is still linear for any given year. But the slope changes over time. Initially, (yr = 0 or 1974), the size effect is 0.051. Each unit (1 cm) increase in size will result in a 5.1% increase in PCB concentration. Ten years later (1984), the slope was 0.051 + 0.00085 ⋅ 10 = 0.0595. The size effect is stronger. This is reasonable because the rate of concentration decreasing for a large fish is smaller than the rate for a small fish. Consequently, the difference in concentration between the same two fish increases over time.
The interaction effect is small (albeit statistically significant). Can this small interaction effect be practically significant? Because the response variable is in logarithmic scale, we need to be careful in interpreting a small effect. For the slope of yr, the slope value for a small fish (-6.7 cm below average, or the first quartile) is 0.09 - 0.00085 × (-6.7) = 0.095 and the slope is 0.09 - 0.0008 × (8.5) = 0.083 for a large fish (8.5 cm above average, the third quartile). PCB concentration reduction is at a lower rate (~ 8%) for a large fish and a higher rate (~ 10%) for small fish. The slope of len.c increases from 0.05 in 1974 to 0.074 in 2004, indicating a much larger difference in PCB concentration between a large and a small fish.
C.P. Madenjian, R.J. Hesselberg, T.J. Desorcie, L.J. Schmidt, Stedman. R.M., L.J. Begnoche, and D.R. Passino-Reader. Estimate of net trophic transfer efficiency of PCBs to Lake Michigan lake trout from their prey. Environmental Science and
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