Thursday, March 19, 2009

Embedding ALL fonts

After I turned in the PDF file of my final draft of "Environmental and Ecological Statistics with R", the publisher (Chapman and Hall/CRC) informed me that I did not embed all fonts in the PDF file. I had no idea what "embedding" really mean. The publisher directed me to their contractor at International Typesetting and Composition in India for help. ITC consultants were very helpful in explaining the process of using Adobe Distiller and illustrator:

1 In distiller, fonts location for font folder is shown.
2 Check/select the option embed all fonts in distiller.
3 All fonts used in figures must be embedded in figures itself. You can open the figures in illustrator, and save-as with the option "Embed all Fonts" selected

But I have hundreds of figures which means I have to spend weeks if not months to complete step 3. Besides, I cannot afford to buy Adobe just for this job. So, I Googled to see if there are better solutions. has a piece on this topic for Linux users. After a few trials using the posting as a reference, I figured out a simple alternative for LaTeX users both for Mac and PC:

1. Compile the LaTeX file to create the .dvi file,
2. In DOS command console or Mac Ternimal:
$ dvips -f mybook.dvi >
3. Then, use ghostscript with option -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress:
$ gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=mybook.pdf

The resulting PDF file has been checked and accepted by the publisher.

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